Book Supplements slides |


  • Each link corresponds to part of a chapter in the Book, in order
  • It includes additional details and thoughts, as well as examples
  • Make sure you use the code provided to you in prrexamples
  • Here is the book: Programming Robots with ROS
  • NB: Free access to the book is available ONCE YOU LOG INTO YOUR BRANDEIS ACCOUNT

Table of Contents

1: IntroductionIntroduction to these set of book notes
2: ROS at a high levelA quick flyby of the most important concepts of ROS
2A: Workspaces and packagesROS modularity
3: TopicsBy the end of the semester you will be living and breathing TOPICS!"
3a: Custom MessagesHow to create a custom message
4: ServicesWhat are ROS services, and why do we need them? How are they different?
4a: Services - exampleWordCount.srv in a little detail
5: ActionsWhat are ROS actions and how do they relate to topics and services?
6: RobotsGoing through the hardware
6a: SimulatorsLooking more widely now at the world of robotics
7: Wander BotSimulating behavior in simulation
8: Teleop-botDesigning and implementing a slightly more complicated ROS program
9: Building MapsWhat is a map, how to build one
9a: Building MapsSome details from the chapter
10 part1: LocalizingHow does a Robot figure out where it is? Even if there's no map?
10 part2: NavigatingHow does the robot get from here to there, iven a map and AMCL localization
10 part3: Move BaseLooking inside move base
12: Follow BotAdding perception to our robot algorithms