
A collection of cribsheets on all kinds of topics that you might be interested in. Feel free to use them and propose new ones that should be added.

ActiveRecord DatatypesList of the datatypes used in Rails migrations and other places
Important ActiveRecord methodsWhere we delve into some corners of AR that are important to know about
ActiveRecord MigrationsSummary - why they exist, how they work
Rails ActiveRecord QueriesSome of the basic ways to use ActiveRecord to find
Automatic Code ReviewsTools to automatically give you feedback on your code
Simple DesignThese are recommendations from famed hacker Corey Haines
ERB CribsheetFacts about ERB
HerokuLinks and tips for working with Heroku
Minitest and Minitest/SpecHandy tipsheet for writing unit tests in Ruby
Good Programming StyleAn opinionated set if rules and guidelines
Rails Magic FAQA grab bag of Rails tidbits that confuse beginners
Best Rails and Ruby ResourcesPlaces to ask questions and get answers
Rails "tasks" (commands)List of the most common Rake tasks
Regexp CheatsheatRegular Experessions (regexp) are very common and powerful text pattern matching functions found in most programming languages nowadays
ROS Cheat SheetCLI commands and other easy to forget details
Ruby GemsUseful info and links about Ruby Gems.
Ruby Highly Specific Set Up InstructionsHow to set up your personal computer for Ruby and Rails etc.
Vagrant SetupVagrant is a virtual machine utility that allows you to virtualize any os. It's complicated.
Git and GitHubTips and hints for working with Git. Lots of links too.
Code Smells
Unix ShellMac and Linux programmers spend most of their time in the 'shell', where they type on the command line.
Shebang LineAll about the mysterious shebang line
BootstrapThe most popular and easy to use set of css and javascript to make your apps look professional.