Mini-PA: Robo Chaser

Plan for today

  • This lab will be a guided team programming session.
  • Work on it with your Teammate
  • You can use a breakout room for privacy
  • Invite one of us over to help if needed
  • Call us in when you are done

Mini-PA: Robo Chaser

  1. Launch a gazebo world with two robots in it, far from each other
  2. Control the first one with Teleop (you drive it)
  3. Write a ROS node which drives the other robot towards the first one, and keeps chasing it
  4. Demonstrate the result to your TA


  1. Use this link (or work from a previous homework) to create a launch a gazebo world with two robots in it.
  2. Figure out how to control just one of the robots with teleop (just typing teleop in your cloud desktop will get you the tool)
  3. Write a node which controls the other robot
  4. Subscribe to the odom of the first robot and figure out how to drive the second robot towards it.