Create and test URDF for your project

  • This lab will be a guided team programming session.
  • Work on it with your Teammate
  • You can use a breakout room for privacy
  • Invite one of us over to help if needed
  • Call us in when you are done


  • Deeper understanding of 3d modeling in Robotics
  • Refresher on XML
  • Take a step towards your project
  • Apply your understanding of TFs


  • Discuss with your teammates and quickly pick either the robot, the arm or the world of your project to model.
  • It’s unimportant if this will be just what you need in the end. This is a pure learning exercise
  • Don’t make a super detailed preliminary drawing
  • Get to coding/editing as quickly as possible


  1. Each student: Learn URDF by following all the tutorials in section 1 and section 2 of URDF Tutorials. Also google for other resources, including our own Lab Notebook
  2. Pair programming: One student types and the other is looking at doc and googling and recommending
  3. Switch off roles after 30 minutes
  4. Create the URDF model and demonstrate it in Gazebo
  5. Call over the TA to show off your work!