Read PRR Chapter 9

More ROS


Localization is one of the central problems confronting autonomous robotics. This chapter introduces you with hands on work to the concept and the engineering approaches to solving it.

Do this

  • Read Chapter 9 of PRR
  • Try to type along with the examples on your own Cluster account
  • You will understand much better and it will be more fun!
  • The chapter supplement can be found here: 9: Building Maps and 9a: Building Maps

Think about this

Make sure you experiment with rqt_plot, that you run a Map Server, and that you try running the navigation stack. Respond to the following warmup questions:

  1. What does rqt_plot do and why would you use it?
  2. Precisely what does a Map Server do?
  3. Examine what is in a rosbag file. What is in it?

  4. Exactly what does this code do: rate = rospy.Rate(10)
  5. What does rqt_plot do and why would you use it?
  6. Precisely what does a Map Server do?
  7. Examine what is in a rosbag file. What is in it