Read PRR Chapter 8

Controlling teleoperation


You continue your tour of ROS and Robotic programming by focusing on how teleoperation is usually implemented, and also how you combine user input with the logic of a robot. And more broadly you will get exposed to another kind of ROS program.

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Read Chapter 8 of PRR and remember to refer to our extra Notes for Chapter 8 To understand this you really need to run some code!

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Please respond to the following warmup questions:

  1. What features are added to produce from the previous version, why would that be useful and what line in the program contains the key change?
  1. This will take a little research: on page 114 you see rospy.Subscriber('keys', String, keys_cb, twist_pub). What does each parameter do?
  1. On page 124 you see ./ _linear_scale:=0.5 _angular_scale:=1.0 _linear_accel:=1.0 _angular_accel:=1.0. What does the := notation mean or do?