Read PRR Chapter 7

Another great chapter


  • We continue laying the foundations of learning ROS
  • We learn how to use sensors and motors to control the robots basic behaviors
  • I realize this is difficult and things don’t always just work the way you expect.

Do this

  • Please read Chapter 7 and try to really understand how things work.
  • Remember to refer to 7: Wander Bot for potentially supplementary information.
  • Run some the code in samples and watch it in the simulator

Consider this as you read

  1. As we are talking about sensors, think about this: In the Red Light! Green Light! program what plays the role of a sensor?
  2. This is tricky: the formula on page 104: bearing = msg.angle_min + i * msg.angle_max / len(msg.ranges) is incorrect (i.e. it’s an error in the book!) What is the correct formula, or what is the error?
  3. In Wander-bot, where is the code that assures that the robot doesn’t run into a wall when it is wandering? What line(s).