Read PRR Chapter 6

A tour of robots and simulators


This is a pretty light chapter. You will get a bit of a tour of the different kinds of Robots (hardware) that are in our corner of the broad world of robotics. And similarly a tour of several different simulation environments and tools that you might come across. Please realize that inside this course we will only use the Gazebo simulator.

Do this

Please read PRR Chapter 6, Robots and Simulators. As you read, as usual, you can find supplementary information here:

Remember that it’s worth the effort to try and run and understand the examples that we have for you in the samples package on the cluster

And here are some questions

  • Investigate our TurtleBot3 Robots Burgers (google). What sensors does it have? What Actuators does it have? What computation modules does it have?
  • What topics are associated with a camera? a LiDAR? a Motor?
  • What is a wheel encoder?