Borrowing some Agile/Scrum Principles
- Try to always have something running
- Integrate Early
- Transparency about status
- Demo early and often
Weekly Standup Reports
- A standard and very simple report
- Weekly deliverable, imilar to what professional software engineering teams do
- Purpose is to give the team something clear to shoot for each week
- It is a joint deliverable, most likely agreed upon during your weekly meetings
- Designed to be extremely simple to prepare
What to put in the update
Every team will submit a single PDF every week with:
- Project name and date
- URL to your GitHub repo
- For each team member:
- name
- What you worked on last week (bullets, one sentence each)
- What you plan to work on next week (bullets, one sentence each)
- Any blocking issues (bullets, one sentence each)
- Each week’s report can start by copying last week’s.
- But “good faith effort” does mean that at least the date is updated.