Path Planning (Thu Nov 7, lect 19) | previous | next | slides |

Look a little deeper at how its done

Reminder: Readings are your responsibility. You will be expected to come to class prepared, having read the material, and ready to participate in the discussion

Path Planning

  • For now, just focus on a mobile robot like a car
  • Goal of path planning: get the robot from where it is to a destination
  • Beyond that there are many variations
  • What kind of map is present?
  • Are the obstacles encountered known ahead of time, and can they move?

Types of maps - Graphs

  • Define places where Robot can be (nodes)
  • Define which ones are connected (edges)
  • Edge information includes
    1. What path to take
    2. What the “cost” would be of taking that path (surface, distance, desirability)
  • Planning the route becomes a graph searching problem
  • Find the “cheapest” path between two nodes

Types of maps - Occupancy Grids

  • Divide the “area” into a regular grid
  • Indicate whether each “cell” in a grid is occupied or free
  • Occupancy Grids can be multi-layer
  • For example to indicate
    1. access for different types of vehicles
    2. areas that are free but discouraged
  • Treat each cell in the grid as a node with 4 or 8 edges

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