Movebase and Path Planning (Thu Nov 7, lect 19) | previous | next | slides |

Look a little deeper the concepts and algorithms

Reminder: Readings are your responsibility. You will be expected to come to class prepared, having read the material, and ready to participate in the discussion


Factors in Assessment of Projects

  • The number of students on the team and ambition of the project
  • Expectation is based on the number of people and the available time
  • 5-6 weeks @ around 5-10 hrs per week per student
  • Quality: Does the project work on repeated runs (not just once)
  • Communication: How well explained is the project in the deliverable


  • Thank you for submitting
  • Reread the instructions!
  • Simple set of bullets, not a whole project plan


  • Link to Lab coverage hours
  • Link to Report Robot Problems
  • Are you able to use the lab
  • What additional time slots do you need?
  • Remember: sudo shutdown now (onboard), power switch off, unplug battery.
  • ROBB is working again. Remember to report robot problems so we can track them and fix them

Review of Fiducials PA

Path Planning

  • For now, just focus on a mobile robot like a car
  • Goal of path planning: get the robot from where it is to a destination
  • Beyond that there are many variations
  • What kind of map is present?
  • Are the obstacles encountered known ahead of time, and can they move?

Types of maps - Graphs

  • Define places where Robot can be (nodes)
  • Define which ones are connected (edges)
  • Edge information includes
    1. What path to take
    2. What the “cost” would be of taking that path (surface, distance, desirability)
  • Planning the route becomes a graph searching problem
  • Find the “cheapest” path between two nodes

Types of maps - Occupancy Grids

  • Divide the “area” into a regular grid
  • Indicate whether each “cell” in a grid is occupied or free
  • Occupancy Grids can be multi-layer
  • For example to indicate
    1. access for different types of vehicles
    2. areas that are free but discouraged
  • Treat each cell in the grid as a node with 4 or 8 edges

Behind the scenes

  • amcl subscribes to a topic geometry_msgs/PoseWith
  • rviz command 2d pose estimate publishes the new proposed pose on that topic
  • When amcl receives that message it resets its collection of candidate poses

Going inside the Nav Stack

  • Global planner: works out best path assuming map is accurate
    1. global costmap: How safe or unsafe is each spot on the map
    2. Published on /move_base/global_costmap/costmap
    3. Planner view shows what the planned path to the nav goal is
  • Local Planner:
    1. Adjusts the global plan based on newly detected obstacles
    2. Map shows square area around robot with further analysis 1 Color shows safe areas in cold colors (like blue) and dangerous areas in warm colors (like red)
  • Look at
  • It is a SimpleActionClient which sends a repeating sequence of two Action Goals to move_base
  • There’s nothing tricky about itself.
  • The challenge might be getting all the other bits set up so that it will work correctly

Some more references:

Thank you. Questions?  (random Image from