Intro to computer Vision (Tue Oct 22, lect 15) | previous | next | slides |

Some basics about CV to get you started


  • Oct 29: Team Project Proposals
  • Oct 31: OS Quiz on October 31
  • Oct 31: Line Follower Programming Assignment

Computer Vision

Seeing ==? Vision

  • We focus here on cameras
  • Ignore other kinds of “seeing” such as touch sensors or LIDAR.
  • A lot more than taking pictures
  • Can be used for:
    1. Mapping
    2. Localization
    3. Object recognition
    4. Trajectory Estimation
    5. Driver Distraction
    6. Redundancy

Camera Types: Regular (webcam-like)

  1. RGB images
  2. Video is basically a stream of images
  3. Frame rate: How many images sent per second
  4. The higher, the more bandwidth and CPU is used
  5. Usually it is treated just that way
  6. Each image is analyzed individually

Camera features and characteristics

  • Field of view (wide angle, narrow angle)
  • Mount position (pose)
  • Stationary or movable
  • Means of connection to the robot

Types of cameras

  • Basic RaspiCam (webcam-like)
  • Mobile phone camera
  • Depth cameras
  • Infrared cameras
  • “AI Cameras”


  • Resolution of image
  • Power requirements
  • Fixed direction or sometimes a swivel
  • ROS needs to know how the cameras position and direction relates to the overall robot base
  • Another job for TFs
  • What would happen if this information is incorrect?
  • Where do the images have to be “sent” to?


  • USB, direct to Raspberry Pi
  • Image needs to be viewed through unix utility
  • Which is not always easy
  • Bandwidth and speed of connection

Role of TFs

  • What is the likely TF that would be needed?
  • What would that tell us?

Computer Vision (CV)

  • Recognizing: faces, locations, fiducials, gestures
  • Image processing: filtering colors, isolating shapes etc.
  • Machine Learning (ML): Statistical analysis of tagged images


NoteBurger TB3 in Gazebo does not have a camera! Must use Waffle
  • roslaunch samples linemission.launch model:=waffle
  • in samples,

Image Properties

  • Images are stored in arrays
  • Top left pixel is 0,0
  • Bottom right pixel is m,n
  • Each element of this array is another array, with the values for that pixel
  • And that depends on the image encoding.

Image Encodings

  • Usually each component is an integer from 0-255
  • Zero means none of that component; 255 means the maximum of that component
  • The first three components determine the color
  • There can be more components, e.g. distance, or transparency, or others.
  • Generally you can freely convert between encodings

Encoding for color: RGB

  • RGB - Red, Green, Blue
  • Like mixing colored lights. 100% of Red + Blue + Green gives white

Encoding for color: HSV

  • HSV - Hue, Saturation, Value
  • A little more subtle. You have to practice your eye
  • Hue is the color where all colors are arranged in a rainbow from 0 to 255
  • Saturation is how “pure” or “saturated” that color is
  • Value is how “bright” the color is
  • Sometimes its easier to think in terms of HSV

# Simple manipulations

tl_pixel = image[0][0] 				# top left pixel
r_channel = image[0][0][0] 			# 'R' channel of top left pixel
cropped_img = image[120:240, 0:320]	# crops the image to be only the bottom half

Image processing with OpenCV

  • OpenCV is the key library used for image procesing in ROS
  • It is totally distinct from ROS but great bridging functions exist
  • The current version is OpenCV2

Basics to understand

  • Understand representations of images as 2+ dimensional arrays
  • Understand that a given image “array” will have image information encoded
  • There are different encodings which change what is stored at the innermost array
  • Monochrome, Depth, RGB, HSV, and more
  • Different OpenCV functions expect and generate images of specific types

Connecting OpenCV to ROS …

  • CvBridge() provides a series of methods that convert from ROS messages to OpenCV2() formats
  • And vice versa
  • e.g. CvBridge().imgmsg_to_cv2(msg, desired_encoding='bgr8')

How to think about algorithms

  • They are a series of distinct steps (e.g. a pipeline)
  • Often, given an image, transform it, to a different image
  • The order really matters
  • Sometimes, given an image, analyze it, generate data (a number, an array, a list, etc)

Thank you. Questions?  (random Image from