The almighty TF package (Tue Oct 8, lect 11) | previous | next | slides |

TF is the heart of the efficient conversion of coordinates between frames


  • How to submit homework:
    • SURPRISE: Do not put your name in the files. The names are automatically provided by Moodle.
    • If there’s code, then it should be in a valid ROS package. Zip up that package and submit it.
    • If there’s a document, report, ansewr to a question, then it must be a pdf.
    • If there’s a video, then put the url of the video in a separate file called video.txt
    • Summary: There will be between one and three files in your submission.
  • Whoops, next Friday is also no-class, so, no-lab!
    • Should we present project ideas on Thursday or a week from Friday?


  • An x,y,z is always within a specific coordinate system
  • For example, is it relative to the bottom left corner of the room, or the center of the robot?
  • It is far easier to reason in an appropriate coordinate system
  • As long as there are easy ways to convert back and forth.

Coordinate systems

  • Pose = position and orientation
  • Pose is always with respect of a specific coordinate frame or TF

Natural Coordinate system

  • Usually a coordinate begins as the “natural” way to think about It
  • Angle of obstacle, with respect to the LIDAR
  • Position a corner, with respect to the whole room
  • Angle to turn, from the point of view of the robot itself
  • So when you see phrases like “with respect to”, and “from the point of view of” you know these refer to coordinate frames.

What is the natural TF hierachy?

  • It is very common to want to see that same point or angle from another’s point of view
  • How much do I have to turn to point directly away from the wall?
  • What direction is the nearest door from me?
  • How do I drive in the direction of the fiducial?
  • Compare starboard/port and driver vs. passenger side


  • TF package in ROS is central
  • It recently was rewritten and shows up as TF2 in many places
  • It is interesting and important to understand in some more detail

TF framework in ROS

  • An API to make conversions of coordinates between systems easy and efficient
  • Coordinate systems are given names, e.g. “world” or “lidar-1”
  • They are organized into a tree
  • Every named tf has just one parent, and unlimited number of children

TF broadcasts

  • Any node can report on the relationship between two coordinate system
  • Generally this is a node who knows something about one or the other.
  • For example, the node that moved the arm, can report the new relative position
  • That is, to get from tf “a” to tf “b”, add add 10 to the x or rotate 180 degrees around z.
  • TF Listeners
  • If my node needs to interpret coordinates I might listen to tf messages
  • Allowing to convert coordinates between any two coordinate frames.

TF CheatSheet

Lets look at some code

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-turtle-tf2 ros-noetic-tf2-tools ros-noetic-tf
$ sudo apt install evince
$ roslaunch turtle_tf2 turtle_tf2_demo.launch
  • Notice that as you use the cursor keys to teleop the orange turtle around, the grey one follows right on it’s heels!

High Level explanation

  • Code is using tf2 to create three coordinate frames: one for the “world”, and one each for the two turtles
  • Realize that if we give turtle1’s coordinates as x,y, we’d still need to say, in what coordinate frame those were.
  • In t1’s coordinate frame, t1’s coordinates are always 0,0!

$ rosrun tf2_tools
$ evince frames.pdf

  • See the three coordinate frames and their hierarchical relationship
  • The diagram doesn’t display the actual transform just the relationships
  • To see those we need to echo the transform:

$ rosrun tf tf_echo turtle1 turtle2
At time 1677784974.758
- Translation: [0.000, 0.000, 0.000]
- Rotation: in Quaternion [0.000, 0.000, -0.200, 0.980]
            in RPY (radian) [0.000, 0.000, -0.402]
            in RPY (degree) [0.000, 0.000, -23.046]

$ rosrun tf tf_echo turtle1 world
rosrun tf tf_echo turtle1 world
At time 1677785078.262
- Translation: [-5.544, -5.544, 0.000]
- Rotation: in Quaternion [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
            in RPY (radian) [0.000, -0.000, 0.000]
            in RPY (degree) [0.000, -0.000, 0.000]
  • You can see the transform needed to get from turtle1 to turtle2 is different from the one between turtle1 and world. Why is that?


$ rosrun rviz rviz -d `rospack find turtle_tf2`/rviz/turtle_rviz.rviz
  • You now visualize all three tfs. Why do two move and one stay still?

Lets see how all this works: tf2_broadcaster

  • Examine the code in samples:
    • tf2_demo_launch

$ roslaunch samples tf2_demo.launch
$ rosrun tf tf_echo /world /turtle1
  • Only one turtle so far!
  • Notice that it is publishing turtle1’s tfs relative to world
  • Drive around and notice that it is updating turtle1’s pose and also a transform

$ roslaunch samples tf2_demo.launch
$ rosrun tf tf_echo /world /turtle1
$ rosrun tf tf_echo /world /turtle2

tf2 frames are organized in a tree

$ rosrun tf2_tools
$ evince frames.pdf
  • Notice, there are no cycles, one root
  • This ensures that there’s only one path from one frame to another
  • Which ensure that we can compute the transform by following that path
  • New frame would be added as a child of an existing frame
  • How to decide what the parent frame should be?
  • Its the one that has the most obvious and simple transform

Defining TFs (transforms)

  • TFs have names which help you understand what physical component it is tied to
  • TFs for mobile robots follow a typical hierarchy as follows: map -> odom -> base_link
  • base_link for the “center” of the robot. You get to pick it but it should make some intuitive sense. All other parts of the robot are below base_link hierarchically in the tf tree
  • Sometimes it’s useful to have another TF which is the center of the footprint of the robot, meaning, a TF projected straight down from base_link and intersecting with the ground plane wherever that is.
  • odom for the odometry created TF
  • map for the TF of a map built by hand or through slam
  • Conventional names and standards for TFs can be found here: (

Transforms (TFs)

  • TFs are fundamental to understanding anything relating to positions in ROS.
  • TFs are built on a hierarchical system of relative positions between different parts of a robot or different objects in the world.
  • The base_link is the “center” of the robot. You get to pick it but it should make some intuitive sense.
  • TFs allow all other parts of the robot to be described as a relative position to either the base_link directly or to other parts on the robot.
  • Odometry is simply measuring the transform between the base_link and the origin point of the odom tf (usually the position at which the robot started).
  • Continuing the example from before, lets say I need to know the relative positions of the hand on our robot and an lever in the world.

Thank you. Questions?  (random Image from