Book Supplements slides |

Extra Information that will help with the textbook


We have provided a lot of extra information to make the book more useful to you! As a reminder, the textbook by O’Reilly is available for free from the Brandeis Library: Programming Robots with ROS In this course we refer to it as PRR.

Here are the resources:

  1. For each chapter I have provided one or two pages of commentary to clarify or supplement the chapter. They are listed below.
  2. All the programs that are listed in the book are available to you inside your cluster account. These are corrected for our ROS distro “noetic”. Save yourself a lot of time by using those. You can find them here: ~/catkin_ws/src/cosi119_src

PRR Supplements

1: IntroductionIntroduction to these set of book notes
2: ROS at a high levelA quick flyby of the most important concepts of ROS
2A: Workspaces and packagesROS modularity
3: TopicsBy the end of the semester you will be living and breathing TOPICS!"
3a: Custom MessagesHow to create a custom message
4: ServicesWhat are ROS services, and why do we need them? How are they different?
4a: Services - exampleWordCount.srv in a little detail
5: ActionsWhat are ROS actions and how do they relate to topics and services?
6: RobotsGoing through the hardware
6a: SimulatorsLooking more widely now at the world of robotics
7: Wander BotSimulating behavior in simulation
8: Teleop-botDesigning and implementing a slightly more complicated ROS program
9: Building MapsWhat is a map, how to build one
9a: Building MapsSome details from the chapter
10 part1: LocalizingHow does a Robot figure out where it is? Even if there's no map?
10 part2: NavigatingHow does the robot get from here to there, iven a map and AMCL localization
10 part3: Move BaseLooking inside move base
12: Follow BotAdding perception to our robot algorithms