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4: Services
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5: Actions
## Example: WordCount.srv * WordCount.srv shows that it will take one input (string) and give one output (uint32) * Notice some hairy tweaks of both CMakeLists.txt and package.xml * Once done run catkin make (`$ cm`) to process and do the code generation * You will immediately be able to see the service declared with `$ rossrv show WordCount`
### Defining the logic * It looks a lot like a node subscribing to a topic * Big difference is that it has a 'return' statement * In this example, it returns an integer equal to the number of words * The money quote: `return len(request.words.split())` * Notice the two ways of returning the result * Everything else is plumbing
### Implementing a Service * Run the service with a standard `rosrun` command * Remember our package is called `samples` * Remember that you must have `roscore` running! * `rosrun samples service_server.py` * You can tell that it worked: 1. It shows up in `$ rosservice list` 1. It shows up in `$ rosservice info word_count`