### PID Control * PID is a well known technique for smoothing out control, to avoid oscillation. PID stands for * Applying PID control to your algorithm will make it more robust and perform more consistently. When used with a wall follower it will help better follow the wall without too much fluctuation. * It will make the robot turn at a higher speed when you are too away from the designated route (too far or too close to the wall), and turn at a slower speed when you are close to it.
### Example Code
### Graph
### Nice video
Here are some great links. You will be amazed at how well this works.
### Some nice links * [PID Algorithm Video](https://youtu.be/dynSWBXu9aA?si=tMNR20sp_DHcmw_c) * [MIT Pid Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Y7zG48uHRo) * [ROS PID Package ](http://wiki.ros.org/pid) * [Learn PID](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PID_controller) * [The PID Tuning Guide](/content/topics/documents/pidtuningguide.pdf) * [PID without a PhD](/content/topics/documents/pidwithoutaphd.pdf)